Crossroads Bible Church is an Independent Bible Church establishing a testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ in the Candia, New Hampshire area.
Jesus Christ is the head of Crossroads Bible Church. We are His body, and everything we do, we desire to do for His glory.
Crossroads Bible church is a local assembly of believers. We are to be a light in our community reflecting the reality of Christ in us. We are to be the pillar and ground of the truth.

In April of 2001 a small group of believers meeting in Manchester, NH had a desire to be a witness and a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ. This group began to meet at the Hillside Middle School for weekly Bible study and prayer. In September of the next year, the Lord answered this group's prayers and led John and Jennifer Peront and their two children to Manchester to visit these dear believers and to get to know them. In October 2002 the group extended a call to the Peront family, and they began to serve and minister to this Bible study group.
The Lord blessed and in March of 2003 the group began to hold regular Sunday and Wednesday evening services at the Hillside school. They began to reach out to the community holding summer Bible clubs and going door-to-door telling people about God's grace. This ministry continued to grow and the group moved to the Nackey S. Loeb School of communications in Manchester in February of 2008 where they continued holding services. In October of that same year Manchester Bible Church became independent from the mission. It was a blessing and a joy to see God's hand on the growth of this church. After two years of praying and searching, the Lord brought about an opportunity for this church. In May of 2011 Manchester Bible Church purchased a church property in Candia, NH and changed its name to Crossroads Bible Church.

Through the faithful, expository preaching of the Word of God, He has blessed this assembly, adding to it both those who have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and those who have been looking for a church willing to stand in God's truth (doctrine which is established on and rooted in the fundamentals of the the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints). As this assembly continues to grow, it is our sincere desire to keep our eyes firmly fixed on our Savior, the risen Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that His blessing will continue as we look to and faithfully follow Him!